You searched for: “most sanctimonious
sanctimonious (sangk" tuh MOH nee uhs) (adjective), more sanctimonious, most sanctimonious
1. A reference to someone who is holy in character or sacred and consecrated: Mark and his family are devoted and sanctimonious people who go to church every Sunday.
2. Descriptive of a person's attitude or expression which reveals an exaggerated show of holiness or moral superiority; excessively or hypocritically pious: Adam had a sanctimonious smile as he praised Mary's efforts to teach their son to become much better behaved than all of the other children in his school.
3. Characteristic of an individual who is pretentiously righteous, hypocritically pious, or feigning piety: Matthew was just a sanctimonious politician who, like so many others, was trying to fool the voters into believing that he was 100% sinless and honest.
4. Etymology: from Latin: sanctimonia, "holiness, sacredness."
Making a show of being holy and sinless.
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Showing an appearance of holiness.
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Having a show of innocence and good behavior.
This entry is located in the following units: -ous, -ious, -eous (page 19) sanct-, sancti- (page 2)